Tuesday, March 29, 2016

I am sitting her and really should be working on the dissertation - ugh -
Can't concentrate -

I cannot believe what I am - a wife, mother, sister, aunt and now step grandparent.

Currently I work full time and am writing my dissertation on the area of teacher collaboration.

I wonder sometimes what wil happen when I can find time to relax - HA!


I have been asked how I do it all - truth is, I have no idea.  I just keep moving constantly.  From the minute I wake up until the minute that I close my eyes.

How do you take a break?  How can i?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Its classes time!!

Ok so I felt the pang of mom guilt as I left the house to study.  Never before have I needed to get away from my wonderful kiddos just to get things done!!

Why do I feel guilty? I always put them first and I deserve to be first just for an hour.... right??

Friday, October 11, 2013

a human canvas

So my wonderful husband was selected to interview to be a human canvas on a popular tattoo show.....
off to Ny Ny he goes!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

puke? Really?

OMG!!  I have been feeling so incredibly overwhelmed lately with school and job and kids.... Mornings have become my enemy and my motication for coursework is at nearly zero!!

So this morning the baby says "my stomach hurts and I need tums"

Tums? really? you are three.... but it is 5 am and i will give you what you want for those 15 minutes of sleep I am still entitled to....

Gave her the tums and she immedicately started throwing up.... all over me.... all over the new sheets.... all over the new comforter and finally it stopped after the carpet and bathroom were christened as well.

Darn it!!  ---  I was awake......

Thursday, October 3, 2013

you actually schedule time with your kids?

So how is it that this super mom is criticized for scheduling time with her children? Uh - if it guarantees their one on one? What's the diff?

If Our schedule or routine says story every night or dinner together on Tuesdays.... who cares?  As long as my children get time with me?

Really? Some people need to have a filter.....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

So I am in the grocery store as a woman walks up to me and with amazement asks if all 6 are my children - I fought the urge to look around and say "what kids" "i don't have kids" and instead smiled and nodded.

It is odd to me, the mother of 5, that people see this as a weirdness, something less than normal.  I would have more children if it weren't for that full time job and doctorate I am working on....

The last few days have been so overwhelming though.... work, PTO, football and such.... I am certainly looking forward to the weekend!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Football begins

I am sitting in daddy's recliner listening to the fish tank waterfall and contemplating the action that will become now that football season is here.  Our house is never really quiet, yet with 5 children, an exchange student, a rabbit, 5 lizards, 4 frogs and only two parents, well we are seriously outnumbered....

I start my official class tomorrow working towards my doctorate and principal certification.  I wonder how I will ever manage to juggle all of this?

"Momma - what time is church?" ok time's up....